Creative coder and audiovisual artist. Working with sound, image and algorithms in the creation of multisensory experiences

I work in the crossing between computer code and art. My whole practice is a continuous effort to create an interdependent dialog between audio and image. I seek randomness, noise, and chaos as mediums for order. I am intrigued by the micro and the macro and the juxtaposition of these two realms. My sonic work is concerned with micro-sound, the domain comprised of sound particles between one-tenth of a second and about ten milliseconds. My visual work, in contrast, takes as much physical space as possible.

I work as a freelancer and consultant on various programming languages, building solutions for people with great ideas.

Tw.  —  Fb.  —  Ig.

Selected performances

  • Venice Biennale
  • Mutek Festival
  • Today’s Art Festival
  • Société des Arts Electroniques (SAT)
  • Espacio Fundación Telefónica Lima
  • Museo Reina Sofía
  • Sónar Festival
  • Cryptic Nights
  • Zentrum für Kunst und Medien (ZKM)
  • ICMC
  • Ahead Festival
  • Segnali Festival



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