

Commissioned by
y=f(x) lab


An immersive audio-visual space

AMAZE is a 3,000 square meter immersive audio-visual experience. The labyrinth runs through an old industrial and notorious nightclub in Amsterdam’s West Port district. The first illegal raves were held there back in the day, and it now serves as a creative hub, and the home of AMAZE.

In collaboration with y=f(x) lab and ID&T

I was invited to assist in developing and designing 9 different rooms involving various kinds of media. From visuals, lights and laser to full-fledged audiovisual shows. I created real-time visual content, music, and programmed part of the backend communication system of control for the installations. We crafted together a whole custom system to monitor, control, and connect all different areas, giving maximum flexibility for content management in-between visits.

The space opened to the public in Amsterdam during the fall of 2021. I worked in close collaboration with the fantastic y=f(x) lab, to build ID&T’s vision. See the official site.


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