

Commissioned by
Francisco López

Humanless Audio Recombinator for Infinite Novelty Generation

H.A.R.I.N.G (Humanless Audio Recombinator for Infinite Novelty Generation), is software that creates new meta-compositions from all the audio material collected during the Audio DH project. The name of the software is a play on the traditional dutch meal haring (or herring in english). The program was developed in collaboration with Andrea Vogrig.

Commisioned by Francisco Lopez

Conceived and directed by Francisco López, audio-DH is a collaborative project of epic proportions that weaves the sounds of 250 of The Hague’s creative minds into an exploration of the city’s vibrant sonic tapestry.

This collection is made available both in the form of an online edition on audiodh.nl and also as a physical edition, as a high capacity USB memory card, published by iii editions.

All the audio material collected and the software that was created for the project are released under Creative Commons license and freely downloadable.


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