
Visual artist


October, 2019

Inspired by the works of indie filmmakers such as Wes Anderson and Robert Altman, LOVE by Guy Weizman showcases a collection of varying romances by searching for the core of this primal emotion, and its intrinsic value in a world where everything has a price. LOVE is also inspired by Peter Handke’s “Beautiful Days of Aranjuez”. In this production, Handke portrays the different world views of men and women and their different ideas about love. It’s about sexual experiences, childhood, and memories, where both the male and female perspective are given their due.

In collaboration with Guy Weizman

Israeli director Guy Weizman invited me as a video artist and software developer for the production LOVE. I created the real-time audio-reactive graphics for the scenography.

This performance is a co-production with the Göteborgs Opera DanskompaniSlagwerk Den Haag and the Asko|Schönberg ensemble.


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