Remote Sense

Audiovisual Performance

In collaboration with
Jonny Knox


An immersive audio-visual experience

Remote Sense is a live full-dome AV performance with visuals solely generated from Lidar (laser scanned) data by visual artist and collaborator Jonny Knox and multichannel spatial audio by myself.

In collaboration with Jonny Knox

Taking inspiration from prehistoric artists whom painted in 360 degrees, the work follows the shamanic/artistic process of entoptic phenomena, an altered state, universal, visual experience linked to the central nervous system which inspired mysterious yet familiar geometric and abstract Neolithic art.

Journeying through an Irish woodland, Hang Boi cave in Vietnam, the Scottish brutalist masterpiece St. Peters Seminary, Beauvais Cathedral in France, a US industrial building and a 1950’s Norwegian cinema, the work is a continuous fluctuation between recognised and abstract with the audience’s perception left to fill in the ‘spaces in-between’.

The piece was commissioned by Cryptic, a Glasgow based internationally-renowned producing arthouse, and was first premiered at Glasgow Science Centre in 2016.


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