Album art


Commisioned by
Slagwerk Den Haag

Cover art for Vitrous Body, an album by Slagwerk Den Haag featuring music by Anthony Fiumara and Phillip Glass.

From Anthony Fiumara:

Five years ago I made a concert program for Slagwerk Den Haag with new arrangements of music by Philip Glass and new compositions of my own. Slagwerk Den Haag (The Hague Percussion) asked me to put together a concert program for Glass’s 80 birthday. 

Inspired by the rhythmic patterns, the long lines and the modality in Glass’ early music, I arranged some of Glass’s works for this virtuoso percussion group. And in the spirit of these early minimal works, I composed Vitrious Body, as my percussive tribute to Philip Glass.

I am happy and proud that this music is being released today on Glass’s label Orange Mountain Music. First on all streaming platforms, and in the beginning of next year as a physical CD. The gorgeous cover art is by Darien Brito.


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